Gas problems?????
Hey everyone,
I have something I need help with. Lately I have been getting alot of gas and air bubble sounds in my tummy. Does anyone else have this problem or know what it means??
I have been following my eating very carefully and I still don't understand what it means. Should I be concerned??
Thanks so much
Hi Kim,
I think what you are experiencing is normal. Sometimes even if we swallow air while we are eating as well, or eat faster than we should, or even sugar free stuff. I still get the tummy gurgles every once on a while but I know that from like 6 months to a year both Tom and I had those types of gassy problems. It was funny, sometimes I would just go to talk and I get this gurgly sound come from my tummy up the esopahegus and out my As long as it isn't painful then I wouldn't be concerned.
Everything is still adjusting in your body and getting back to normal and settling in place. Have a wonderful night!