Mon. Night Support Group Meetings
Hi, All!
This coming Mon. night, Sept. 19th, is the 3rd Mon. of the month, so there are support group meetings in both Middletown and Hamden. The Middletown meeting (at Middlesex Hospital) is from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and is for both pre- and post-ops, along with supportive friends or relatives. Although attended mostly by patients of Dr. Aranow, it's open to all. There'll be general discussion, questions and answers regarding topics of interest to both pre- and post-ops.
The Hamden meeting (at the Senior Center, behind the Miller Library, on Dixwell Ave.) is from 6:30 to 8 p.m. and is for the same "audience" as the Middletown meeting. The Hamden group isn't affiliated with any doctor or hospital and is open to all.
If anyone needs directions to either meeting, please e-mail me.
I'll be going to the Middletown meeting, even though I live in Hamden and the Hamden group is a good one with interesting meetings and handouts, because I get a longer evening of support in Middletown. How do I do that in 1 hr. vs. 1 1/2 hrs., you ask? Because there rarely is anyone in Hamden who wants to go out to dinner after the meeting, but there almost always is a group of people going to dinner after the Middletown meeting. And talking over dinner with pre- and post-ops...getting to know them better...becoming friends...continues the support beyond the hr. at the hospital. Anyone who wants to join us after the meeting is welcome...even if you'd rather eat before or are on the liquid stage of your diet...the restaurants we go to don't mind if you just have a beverage, even jus****er...the point of going out is the extra support, not the food.
So who's going to the Middletown meeting? And who wants to go out with us afterward for more support, as well as celebrating both Lynne and Dave's 1st birthdays as post-ops? (Lynne's birthday is Mon. and Dave's is Thurs.)
Have a good weekend!