TV Show Starved
The media department at is interested in finding out what our members feelings are about the new FX tv show titled Starved, which airs Thursday nights at 10 p.m. Do you take offense to the dialogue about four friends dealing with their individual eating disorders or do you find it funny? Please respond to this post telling us what you think.
Ronda Einbinder
Public Relations Manager :type:
Ronda Einbinder
Public Relations Manager :type:
I am so sick of all these reality shows. I think its ridiculous how they use such delicate subjects like obesity, anorexia, bulemia, or anyother type of disorder and put it out there as a joke. I just think TV has got out of hand with all of these delicate subjects.
We should be educating people not making fun of them. I have no desire to watch this stupid show. I won't promote it in anyway. I just don't get the media, they should be helping us to work with the public on these problems, not making a show for epople to embarrass themselves and making fun of things.
Maybe I am wrong, but I refuse to watch any of the reality shows that are on and I feel they could put more family style shows back on for us to enjoy like sitcoms, musical shows or even educational.
Kim Callahan
Milford, CT
>>Do you take offense to the dialogue about four friends dealing with >>their individual eating disorders or do you find it funny? Please respond >>to this post telling us what you think.
Well, you asked for it.
I think the magazine should spend its valuable time and resources doing research and reporting on important topics dealing with obesity and weight loss surgery. To even entertain a dialog about yet another worthless waste of air time like Starved, in my opinion, does all of us a disservice, and helps encourage the media to shove more of this worthless drivel down our collective throats. Surely you folks could come up with better and more informative discussion topics...
I love the show because it depicts what people actually go thru. Before my surgery, I would buy food to binge on and then throw it out but because I had no self control or because my mind said I NEEDED it, I would have to pour dish soap on it so that I wouldn't pull it out of the garbage and eat it. If you have never suffered from bulimia or anoxeria or just a complusive overeater, this may sound extreme, but that's what my life was like before a good nutritionsit, therapist (dealing with eating disorders) and surgeon.
I think that the show is great!
I DO like "Starved", and for several reasons -
- I find most of it funny, and while some it is "over the top", the humor is offset with pathos.
- The series creator and the 4 lead actors have all had food issues.
- It doesn't gloss over the root causes of the characters' overeating or the possibility of trading one addiction for another.
- What I find the most refreshing is the way it depicts the main characters' overeating. Most TV programs that want to poke fun at eating issues show their characters eating huge, mixing-sized bowls of nutrionally-vapid crap with big wooden spoons. Very few people that I know, anyway, eat that way. They overeat in private. A previous boyfriend once told me, "You eat like a bid. I don't know how you got to be the size that you are." He was right...when we were dating and eating out, I NEVER overate. It was always done at home. I'd overeat with family and at home with friends, but you'd NEVER see me eating a lot of ANYTHING in public.
One aside: I was in the convenience store the other day and giggled when I saw a nice, even number of squares of Nemo's chocolate cake on the counter. I wondered how they'd taste with just a dusting of Drano. "IT'S NOT OKAY!!!"
Okay. There is my opinion. For those who haven'****ched yet, it's on tonight at 10 on FX.