Starting Over...........
Hello everyone...hope your day is going great!
I was watching the television show Starting Over today on channel 4. It comes on at 12:00pm everyday. For those of you who have no****ched the show, it is about a group of women who work through issues in their lives. The reason why I am sharing this is becasue there is a women in the house who had gastric bypass surgery and this one particular woman is working on goals related to her weight loss. She has lost 100 pounds in 5 months and is confronting many emotional issues that come along with losing weight. She talked about still living in a fat body and many of her actions ( the way she talks to people, the way she views herself, the way she shys away from people, etc) she finds herself doing everyday as if she still is overweight.
I found it interesting and I thought some of you might be interested as well.
Yes i did see it today.. She was having a tough time in her new body. I am going to watch it again....I am interested in finding out how much work she did before she had surgery or if she thought getting surgery was just going to be a quick fix. i have read a lot of stuff on the messgae boards about the difficulties people have had after losing weight.
I really love that show but I rarely get to watch it due to work. I think that is an issue for us all. The weight melts off at first but we still see the fat person in the mirror. I still find it strange that someone could be attracted to me, or if someone isn't attracted to me I think it's because I'm fat. It's an experience to say the least. I think it's like a rebirth. I know I am a new person on the outside, but the inside is still the same. Therapy helps a lot. I think a lot of us had distorted body image views to begin with. When I look at pictures I can see just how far I have come and I have to constantly remind myself of that.