I'm back!!

on 2/4/09 3:57 am - Central, CT
Rosalie- why anyone can take out an ad in the hartford courant.  Advertising doesnt make you a skilled competent practitioner of medicine.  I'm sure you know that. 

As for why he's still around- that's conjecture- It is not easy to revoke a medical license.  There are many doctors out there that practice medicine to varying levels of success.  Even the poor ones can make a career out of it. 


Lisa C

From CT


on 2/4/09 3:31 am - Central, CT
What an A** H*** any doctor is that thinks he can censor public opinion.   If he was so damn concerned abput waht the WL community thinks- maybe he should take some time to participate in the forums and explain his positions/practices rather than spend his time hiring lawyers.  Yeah- right! 

Listen- no matter what - know- and many of us know the various and sundry problems with this particular practitioner.  I WILL continue to pass it along.  I have persuaded MANY a person to take a second look and really CONSIDER their options for themselves before making a final decision.  I will always continue to do that.  You can't hire enough lawyers to squash that. 

I'm so glad you've gotten on the road to a real solution to your problems with a caring supportive and proactive doctor. 

And finally- A lesson in life- What goes around comes around.  I hope one day soon he's in need of a competent caring supportive surgeon but gets someone JUST like himself instead. Karma baby- you can' t escape it forever.

Best of luck to you!


Lisa C

From CT


on 2/4/09 5:23 am - Rockville, CT

Hello Everyone,

Thank you all for your support & caring I GREATLY appreciate everyone's thoughts, prayers, & words of encouragement.

This has been a VERY long road for me since last Febuary with possibly a little farther to go to get back to a "normal state".

Like Jess.. I'm "focused" on getting my health back & making every effort to get back into a normal state of day to day "normalcy"

Since Dr. R's surgery I'm still struggling with stomache bloating, nausea, pain, & burning in my pouch & blind end.  I went for tests last Friday & I go back for a visit & go over any findings this Friday.  

I've also have been having issues with low iron & blood counts.. I've been getting dizzy, lightheaded, & shaky so need to get this area addressed.  My husband says being "blonde" doesn't help... what a joker.. LOL...

Today is a really bad day.. dumping syndrome & naseau..     All I had was a bit of greek yogurt, protein drinks, & sugar free applesauce.. AWFUL.. my stomache is extended out like I'm pregnant.  Definately doesn't make you want to eat when you feel this terrible.  YUCK

I also came across a very large knot or lump in the middle of my stomach that wasn't there before.  It's about the size of a golf ball or clementine orange.. I can literally feel the shape with my fingers & it's hard as a rock...so will need to have Dr. R check into that as well. (SIGH)

On the plus side.. met up with Jess & Heather for tea/coffee over the past weekend.. such wonderful gals..  (HUGS LADIES)  It was carthartic to share experiences, cry a little, & meet with such lovely ladies & kindred spirits.  Plus I got addicted to the "light" expresso coffee at Star Bucks.. with a shot of s/f cinnamon flavoring.. OMG.. could take a bath in it.. LOL!  That was a treat!

I have my good days & bad days with all of this.  I have to remind myself that dispite all of the setbacks I've encountered since last spring/summer how much I've gained in so many other areas of my life & to focus on what is important in my life.   I've become OBESSIVE with what has taken place & need to try to let go of the anger & pain/sadness as it's not helping my recovery.

I know I have the right to "feel" what & how I do.. it's just not helping me emotionally... The fact that this ALL could have been avoided had my surgeries been done correctly is the kicker that is just so disappointing.  This was something I NEVER expected during my WLS & something that shouldn't have happened.  Breaks my heart.

"This too shall pass"  It's one of my favorite sayings from the Bible.... I know I have a VERY skilled/talented Dr. taking care of me.. a supportive husband & son who's been through the ringer this past year (& on going) with my current health, and a Big LOVING God who always manages to show me the bright side to everything.. even when I can't see it clearly at first.

I'll let you all know how I make out on Friday with the results.. hopefully it's just healing & my body needing to re-adapt.  If not.. then I'll be prepared for an expectation of yet another surgery to straighten out my cranky insides. :(

Hugs gang & thanks for listening,


Jessica D
on 2/4/09 6:46 pm - Manchester, CT
My goodness - such vocal people on this board!  I don't stop by much just because I am so busy at work and I don't have a computer at home.

Honestly, at this point the way that I feel about my former surgeon and new patients are this - the info is out there (and just to be sure I googled his name yesterday & got a buttload of info in about 4.5 seconds) and if they choose him - that's their issue.  Knowing what I know now, I would have gone with my 1st choice in a surgeon but 2nd choice in hospitals.  Would the outcome have been different, theres no telling.  But I'd like to believe that there would have been.

I go back to Dr. R today and I'm afraid that I will not be going with good news.  I'm still bloating after eating and the nausea is getting worse.  I haven't had a BM in 7.5 days and when I did prior to that it was because I took exlax.  I don't doubt what he did to fix me because most of the issues have gone away totally or gotten somewhat better but I am to the point where I am sick to death of being sick.

on 2/4/09 7:02 pm - Rockville, CT

Hey Jess..

I might see you today.. Got my dates mixed up.  My appt with Dr. R is today.  

I have quite a few concerns also with my recovery.. where my stomach is all extended at times the pain unbearable & other concerns.

I also agree I believe Dr. did ALOT of good with the recent surgery.. just that I know that there are still issues internally that need to be addressed at some point in time.

I agree with everything that you stated with our former Dr.  Info is out there.. informed decisions & research definately.

I'm glad there are people speaking up who either have or haven't had good/bad experiences with their surgeons or knowing of others who have had a "like" experiences as ours.  

Okee doke.. off to work have a good day all,

on 2/6/09 6:36 am - CT
Hi Mickey - Just wanted to see how your appt went yesterday with Dr Raft?

Age:  30          Height:  5' 6"
124 pounds lost since surgery on 12/17/07

Kathy W.
on 2/5/09 3:43 am - Enfield, CT
RNY on 01/15/08 with
Hey Jess, just realized I never responded to this. Glad he got things fixed for you. Hope things get better in the future. PM me please with what you got. Would love to know.

I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.

Baby 7-09

Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10

on 2/6/09 10:15 pm - Rockville, CT

Hi Everyone,

Had my follow-up yesterday & go back in 2 weeks for another checkup.

Dr. R is cautious.  VERY concerned that I'm still not going "poo"  This is an ongoing issue since initial By-pass & he believes my intestines have been compromised so long that some of it is dying off causing my issues. (I can go WEEKS without anything taking place)

 I started complaining & expressing concerns over this in 2006 & where I had testing done.. nothing ever came of it & now it's a mess.

So he is having me flush my system out (again) this weekend.  GROSS... started yesterday afternoon.  Wants to clear me out & it's a regiment of high fiber & specific fruits & veggies daily to try to keep me clean.  (Been down this road several times & it didn't help.. but we'll see.) 

Still having burning & naseau sensation Also.. he's going to re-access my iron/low blood counts also & see if IV therapy is what is needed.  He's cautious to put anything in that's going to compromise my intestines & block me up.   The blind end is small.. & it does have a blood supply to it so he's being very careful.. can't say I blame him there.

I freaked when I hit the scale where it shows I put on 4 pounds in under 2 weeks.. however he explained to me that I actually LOST 2 more pounds of fat (total of 12 pounds now) but all the poo/water is creating what appears to be weight gain...
I think he got a kick out of me.. I told him we women are a little "phsyco" when it comes to the scale & if he says I lost 2 extra pounds I'll take the win.. LOL... I think he thinks I'm a basket case

So he's going to keep an eye on me for the spring/early summer months & then a decision on the 2nd surgery.  (SIGH).. I'm glad he's being cautious.. just want this mess behind me.

Called a therapist that was recommended by his office yesterday & will possibly see them next week.. just to get my feelings & dissapointment out in the open.

I cannot believe that even though I'm still not all "clear" yet.. how much a competitent & point on Doctor & staff can make such a positive CHANGE in my perspective on a good end result.

The more I see Dr. R & interact with his staff.. I KNOW I made the right decision & I'm blessed he took me on as one very messed up patient. :-)


on 2/6/09 11:06 pm - CT
My heart goes out to you. I can't even imagine having to go through what you have had to face. It is nice to see you are confident with Dr. R who seems to be taking such good care of you. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers. Spring is just around the corner.....!
on 3/7/09 11:42 am
SSSSIIIIIIIGGGGHHHHHH. Gosh I spent so much energy trying to warn people about a certain butcher surgeon and certain people who thought he was a god would rush to his defense and now they are doing the warning....i'd say I told you so...BUT I won't....
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