First appt with Dr A.
Hello everyone!!
Had my appt today w/ the great dr..he is awesome..I am going on 8/11 to meet w/ the dietician, and having the gallbladder ultrasound on 8/16..Have to call the therapist tomorrow..and loose 10 lbs..then I will be all set...he is not asking me to do any other tests, other than a thyroid u/s since he said they may be swollen or something like the ball is rolling!! and he said once everything is done, they are booking surgery in 2 weeks...maybe I can hope for a Labor Day surgery!!!
take care
Hi Dawn, work very quickly!!! I too am in the process of getting all of my appts done and will be having surgery by Sept also! Isn't Dr A just great? I enjoyed my appt with him also.
Good luck with everything, and hope to see you at some support group meetings.
ps. I grew up in bristol!