Everyone who attended the summer gathering at Harkness Park, I need your full name and town your from.
The New Haven Register is doing a feature story on our group and interviewing me about my WLS. I had sent them a photo of our group from the gathering and let them know we are doing a walk in September to raise money for obesity awareness. My connection is through my job, I do alot of press releases for our community center and senior center events and activiities, so I took a shot to see if the papers would help.
Dave, Lisa C, Lisa C's friend?, Christine, Debby, Carolyn, Maggie, Maggie's husband?, Paula S, Linda K, Carla M, and anyone I may of forgotten.
I know some of your last names but not all, so contact me with the information so I can give the reporter the correct information.
Thanks Everyone, this may really help us with exposure in Connecticut and for the walk in September!! I want to get the word out there so everyone knows how special we are and how difficult it is for us.
Don't forget email ASAP so I can make a list
Hugs to you all