Mon. Night Support Group Meetings
Hi, All!
Mon., 7/18, is the 3rd Mon. of the month, so both the Hamden and Middlesex support groups will be meeting that night. The Middlesex group meets at Middlesex Hospital in Middletown from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and is for both pre- and post-ops. Most attendees are patients of Dr. Aranow, but the meeting is open to all.
The Hamden meeting is also for both pre- and post-ops and isn't affiliated with any particular doctor or hospital. They meet at the Senior Center behind the Miller Library on Dixwell Avenue from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
If anyone needs directions to either meeting, please e-mail me.
I'll be at the Middlesex meeting Mon. night. Anyone interested in joining us for dinner after?
Hope to see lots of you Sat. at Harkness Park,
HI Debby and fellow weight loss trekers,
I just attended the orientation session at Middlesex on July 11. I am just beginning the process, and have not gone so far as to choose a surgeon yet, but give me a couple more weeks
I hope to attend the meeting on July 18. Hope to meet you and others then.
Ken P.