Weight re-gain and coping w/ stress
I'm 3 1/2 years out and initially I lost about 130 lbs...Then, last year, a whole lot of stres**** us as a family and hasn't let up since and I regained about 30 lbs...I was freaked out at first, but, I knew that some weight gain would happen, but, I knew it was my own fault for the weight gain.
Bob, my husband, also has had WLS one year after I did...he's regained too...now, you'd think that two people that lost a heck of a lot of weight would stay and stick together to keep our weight down...BUT, I guess sometimes the stress overwhelms us so badly that the carb monster takes us over and soothes us more than the good food does...
So, the reason for my post? Well, it's been over a year and I've really not done anything to lose more weight...the stress has even gotten worse...I know, no excuses...I'm overdue with Dr Aranow and I know that I posted that long ago...I've still NOT gone...he's mailed me two cards and now a registered letter...He just wants me to come in for a check, but, i'm too embarrassed that I failed this program..something I had my heart so set on doing and doing right and finally getting a handle on my weight...
Am I a 3X-4X-5X size like I was?? NO...I'm just one or two sizes up...instead of a 16 regular, I'm a 16W in Land's End clothes...my favorite clothes to wear. SO, I can still pat myself on the back.
I guess I need to post to people that know what I'm going through and will understand how I'm feeling without judgement and ridicule...
What am I asking for? I don't really know. A push maybe, but, right now, I'm not ready to do anything about getting back on track, our situation here at home is still very fragile and we're not sure what's going to happen with Bob and his job. SO, I guess I just need support to let me know that it's gonna be ok..the eating part, the gaining part, etc. I have great support for the stress part, it's the eating and WLS part that I need support for.
Thanks all,
330+/230/200 (originally got down to 200, but gained 30 back) :-(
"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels....." (unknown)
the letter just says that he'd like to keep you in his program so that you get the proper nutrition and care and have proper blood levels cause it's very important to monitor them..and if you chose not to continue care with him, to let them know, but to also let them know what doctor will be following your care...
for me, it's embarassment, shame, all the good old stuff that kept us fat...when i was losing and looked great and felt great and had no stress, etc (honeymoon phase), i loved going in to see him..like showing your dad or mom an all A's report card to get praise...loved the flattery from him...but, i'm ashamed that I let stress get to me and don't want to face him...it's weird...he'd send me right to a shrink to work with my "head" issues, I know...I'll call...soon...sometime...soon...whenever...someday...maybe...
IT"S ALL MY OWN FAULT....I know it is...I'm being stupid and childish..I'm being deifant in this right now because I cannot be defiant with the stress of my husband losing his job, having to borrow a god awful amount from his 401K to sue the federal government to try to get his job back...the gov F****** around with him, etc. I cannot call up Obama and yell at him, etc.
It's weird...it's strange..and now, I had to quit therapy cause of our insurance, no job, high co-pays, have to prioritize food vs therapy, etc.
Life has handed us a whole grove of lemon trees this past year and we're trying to keep up with the harvesting of them, not to mention making lemonade!!!
thanks for the support...and the eyes (aka shoulder/ear) to listen/read me...
can you tell i'm down today??? i am
330+/230/200 (originally got down to 200, but gained 30 back) :-(
"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels....." (unknown)
Please pick up the phone and call and get off this detour that has derailed your journey. You can do it. If you need help please let us know. We are all here for you.
"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one
hand, mudslide in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and
screaming ! HOT DAMN.....WHAT A RIDE!!
Then I signed up w/a temp agency and they placed me at this wonderful job. The $$$ was a lot less, but my boss is awesome and I love working! I started to lose the weight I gained, and this past summer, I had a TT. It's still hard to maintain!!! I'm up about 7 lbs from the holiday, but working on getting it off. I took a home equity line to pay for my surgery cuz my self esteem needed it.
PS I did get my named cleared and ended up resigning from the state for my sanity!
SO there is light...believe me....feel free to email me any time and we can talk! I will pray that things get better for you and your hubby (I'm very spiritual not extremely religious).
Don't beat yourself up, cuz that makes it 10x worse! Start to like you again....
Good luck!