Visitors Needed Badly for my Sister in Crisis at Yale Room 6823
Many of you remember that I told you my sister was very ill and that one of our own gastric doctors was taking care of her. Dr Duffy from Yale New Haven had to do emergency surgery on her for colon cancer. They had to give her an emergency ilyostomy (thats the bag that they attach you to so you can go to the bathroom thru a stoma out of your side). Its a very painful thing to have for her anyway.
The reason Im posting is because she has been battleing an infection and this bag falling off several times a day, Its supposed to be changed every 4 to 5 days. Hers has to be changed 5 to 10 times a DAY. This has created an area that is so raw that it got infected so they put her back in the hospital and are talking about reversing the surgery this friday instead of 3 weeks from now.
Im posting because this poor woman basically is having the same surgery as us, but only in stages and minus the stomach part. She is struggling with major depression and lonlieness. If any of you good souls/angels are up at Yale for a meeting or an appt. can you just stop in and see her and say Hello. Lauren sent me. How are you feeling. I think it would cheer her to have a visitor. I feel so bad for her. We have no family in that area, New Britain General is our USUAL hospital. So she has basically had no visitors. All of you are really good at putting total strangers at ease because we all have the same thing in common. So if you can, Im calling all angels. Drop by and tell her people are pulling for her. A 2 minute visit can do a world of good. She is in room 6823. You know the gastric floor.
Thanks everybody. I appreciate it. Your all such a blessing to me. I love you.
Hi Lauren,
My name is Cheri and I just had the gas tric bi-pass surgery on the 6th of July so I'm kind of still recouperating myself.. If you don't minnd giving me here name I'll send her a little card and some flowers, flowers always cheer people up. I live in the Norwich area, by the casino or I'd go today. Believe me my heart goes out to her.; You can e-mail me at ([email protected]).My husbands surgery is the 18th of July and if she's still there we would love to stop in and say hellow. But we would still need her name OK. Are prayers are with her.
Her name is Denise Gaszek. Yes please all keep her in your prayers. She is really really not doing good at all. they are talking about reversing it sooner than they should because she is just doing so badly. they will know on thursday after they do this special kind of xray. pray that xray goes well and she has healed enough to do the reversal.
thanks all, you are the best people on the planet.