Yes, after two failed attempts...I'm going to have it anyway
OK, after a week of long deliberation, I've decided that even after two failed attempts at the laprascopic procedure (one on 5/2, and one on 5/31) that I'm going to let Dr. Barajas do the open bypass sometime in July. Upon talking beyond a very pissed off mother, a father who'll support me no matter what, I found that all my friends still want me to get it and not to give up so easily. I dread the pain of the open, but that's why God let man invent Morphine right? UGH. Also, I'm going to an ENT tonight to just make sure that all my breathing functions are good so as to not have another aspirating episode while they're doing the open. It would be a living nightmare to find myself with the open incision and nothing to show for it. I don't want to endure waking up with a breathing tube in my mouth and the laprascopic cuts on me just to find out 2 hours after that they couldn't do the surgery. Never again!
Congrats on not giving up. I had the open procedure and am very thankful I did. I had excessive scar tissue from a previous surgery which would have made lap impossible.
Honestly, the pain was tolerable. And being over 6months out, I'd do it again in a heart beat.
Keep us posted, and email me if you need any support!!
I commend your positive attitude. My friend and I had the surgery four days apart. She had open and I had lap. I can honestly say that she had a much easier time of things than I did, so one never knows for sure.
I'm glad you're going to meet with an ENT to check things over. Always better to be on the safe side of things.
Best wishes and please keep us posted.

I also had the procedure open and I was TERRIFIED! I can honestly say it was really a LOT less pain than I thought it would be. I hit the insurance company during a transition and they were not paying for lap and were only paying for open. I couldn't wait for an appeal due to moving cross country so I did it. I also had some breathing problems. Pre-surgery I had obstructive sleep apnea. I did fine but I had problems keeping my O2 up without extra oxygen in the recovery room. Good luck!
I am so glad that you have decided to go through with the surgery. It will not be that bad to have an open procedure. In fact, there are some surgeons out there (Dr. Kamelgard in NJ being one) that used to do only lap procedures and once he looked at all of his statistics (complication rates, etc) he changed his practice and now only does open procedures. You will be on the OR table less time... which is a good thing!
Do not be afraid to take pain meds... it WILL be worth it all in the end. Your mom may not be supportive... but EVERYONE on this board will be... keep coming back to us often!
I will be in the OR tomorrow at noon with Dr. Reinhold (who taught Dr. Barajas)!! I too will be an open RNY!
Good Luck my friend!
Good Luck to you!!!! I had the procedure open and it was a snap. I wouldn't change a thing and now 5 months later and 87lbs gone forever...I'm the happiest I've ever been
Don't worry about the's really not that bad and believe me it fades quick.
If you ever have any questions or need anything please don't be afraid to email me.

I just hope that my insurance (Aetna) doesn't try to be a ballbuster and say " we only approved you for laprascopic and not SOUP FOR YOU!". With the luck I'm having, I wouldn't be shocked if they tried that crap. But I don't think they can do that anyway since the authorization is good until 10/1/05 for the lap (which the doc can change to Open anyway during surgery). UGH!