Two weeks out
Hi All!
Well, I'm a few days past two weeks out from surgery. All and all everything is going really well. I've had absolutely no vomiting ( knock on wood ). I've lost 24lbs too. YAY!
The only thing that has come up is that I abscessed. Right at the top of my incision at the base of my sternum. My surgeon needle aspirated it and took an amazing amount of yuck out of it and then he decided that he needed to open me back up in that area. He cleaned out a "significant" amount of exudate. In other words alot more yuck! So now I have to keep this open and change the packing on a daily basis for the next 3-4 weeks.
This is gonna hurt. But you know what? Of all the possible complications that could happen, this is one of the lesser evils. So I still consider myself lucky! Not happy about it, but ok.
Just thought I would share, my experiences. I hope it helps others along the way.
Take good care!
Hi Heather,
I had gastric bypass last October and a week after surgery developed a deep wound infection that required my surgeon to re-open my incision. I had two visits a day from nurses for a month to repack the wound. While it hurt for the first couple of weeks, after awhile it didn't bother me too much.
Hang in there. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.