Very anxious, can't sleep
Good morning all,
I have been on edge for the last few weeks. Our insurance renews on July 1st and neither the Insurance Company nor my husband's employer can tell me whether they purchased the rider! I have all my pre-op appointment set for June, but I wish someone could just answer my questions. I've called BC/BS 8 times and the Board of Ed (husband's employer) 3 times.
The woman my husband spoke with at the BOE actually said to him "Oh I had that surgery last year and it was covered 100%. When he started asking her questions, she then realized that it wasn't Gastric Bypass that she had!
How can I get them to understand the urgency of it all?
On top of all that I quit smoking! I'm proud of that and I am doing well despite a few times when I really wanted one!
Well, thank you all for listening; this is a wonderful place to be where people understand!
Hey Robin,
My employer and the Insurance company had given me the same run around...the personell office knew nothing, but there was a "benefits coordinator " at our central office who had the information...I suggest your husband ask his personnel office whether they have some sort of "benefits cordinator".....From Newington with love,
P.S. Forgive me if you have already done's just an idea
I'm not sure...Is Monday the Dietitian, Psychologist meeting or a support meeting. f it's a support meeting I want to go....You know, I was also super anxious about meeting my julu 1st deadline, but once I got all the preliminary stuff completely done, Stacie gave me a date right away...and its so much earlier in June that I thought....I did call her a bunch of times and everytime i remionded her of my deadline.......Do you have any more preliminaries left at all? Coffeeeeeeeeeee...yummm ..I have to do my pre-op bloodwork today...but maybe afternoon we could get together...hey, I just reread your profile and my son and your son are almost the same age!