Question about pre-op diet
Hi all,
I'm just a curious pre-opper wondering about the 'pre-op' diet. I've read some posts where people say their dr. had them on a liquid protein diet 2 weeks pre op. But others don't mention that and only refer to the diet the nutritionist prescribes pre-op. I know it's individual to the surgeon but I'm curious as to what have people's experiences been?
Hi Jennifer. My doctor puts his patients on a pre op diet for 5 days to see if they have the will power to stay on a prescribed diet. At the end of the 5 days you go in for a urine test to see if you have stayed on the diet. They check your keytone levels to see that your body is breaking down the fat in your body as the diet you are on is all protiene. If you fail they have you get some more consuling. They want you to suceed with your weight loss so they try to get any eating disorders you have taken care of before surgury. The diet consisted of meals made up of 1 cup of beef or chicken broth with up to 3 ounces of either lo- fat meat,chicken, or fish. Was easy to follow for me but it must be done with a doctors supervision as staying on it too long can do you harm. Good Luck on your surgury!
Not all docs do a pre-op diet. I had Dr. Bell and the only thing he requires is that you do not gain any weight from the time of the information session till surgery. He just has you do a light diet the few days before surgery. Others require different diets etc. Others can tell you what their docs require.