J's Food Log & K's Excercise Log- TUESDAY
Good Morning Everybody,
I hope you had a nice weekend since It was perfect weather this past weekend!!!!! It was nice to spend my time with my family this past weekend since I have been so busy with my errands .
Tonight Norwich Bulletin newspaper reporter will come to Gym to interview with my trainer and me and I will let you know when the article will print out.
I want to share with you .... I always brush my teeth three times a day after my meal because it helps me to drink alot of water after brushing my teeth. I don't like to eat foods after I brushed my teeth. That is one of my tools to help me to intake some water in me.
I am curious if anybody is using Juice Extractor ? I was thinking about buying it but not sure if it is good present for my birthday.
B low car slim fast protein drink (was rushing this morning)
S Morning Start bar
L Tuna salad
S Nectar Protien drink and WATER
D Grilled shrimps with aparrages(sp?)
Kathy K
Thats a good tip about the teeth brushing. It also helps you keep away from snacking...
What flavor nectar do you use? I bought the Crystal Sky. It is good....but the color turns me off. Its bright blue like a kids drink.
B protein shake
sn. 1/2c cottage cheese w/ pinapple
L protein shake
sn. yogurt
d 1/2c chicken salad
sn. sf fudgicle ( if I need it)
The chicken salad is my mom's recipe, she makes it with grapes, pinapple & walnuts. yummy
Exercise, I'll do the elliptical for 45 minutes
Everyone have a great day!
Hi Kelly,
share with us for your mom's recipe!!! Sounds good to me!!!
About Nectar protein drink... I like four things.... I do not like Crystal Sky. Here are my four favorite Nectar protein drinks:
lemon tea
very cherry Berry
Roadside Lemonade (great for summer time)
Caribbean cooler ( use it once a while Taste so great!!)
Kathy K
Good Morning! What a beautiful day!! I have been having a hard time lately so today i am back on the band wagon.
Spent 30 minutes on treadmill at WOW today. Then 30 minutes of wgt training--arms. I alternate days so tomorrow it will be legs.
B-2 oz. of NF cottage cheese with fresh berries
S-Morning Start Bar
L-2 slices of turkey wrapped around a pickles
D-2oz of cheeseburger,tomatoe salad
I am vowing not to have any crackers or pretzels at all. I have been snacking on them the last 3 weeks. So now, I said it,the whole world knows I have not been utilizing my tool. So today--I am following Pouch rules. The scale has not moved for over a month in spite of a hard, increased workout at the gym.
Hey everyone,
Had a real fun weekend. We participated in the Orange CT parade for my job and then my daughter Erin marched in the Milford CT parade, she received a special award from school called the Star of Respect. It was alot of fun.
Had another sudden death in my family. My grandfather's brother died from pneumonia and lung cancer, he was 93 years old. What a wonderful man he was to all of us. He was like another grandfather to me. This is the third family death in the last couple of months on my mom's side. She is really taking this hard. I had to come back to work after the wake this morning, could not make the funeral. But I will call my mom later to see how she is doing.
I am ok, did crazy eating this weekend but nothing bad.
B: Atkins Orange Protein Shake
S: Zone bar
L: LF Cheese sticks (4)
S: rest of zone bar
D: not sure yet
S: Probably SF icepop
Propel waters and Crystal lights and Snapples too.
Have a great day everyone.