Emotional Rollercoaster
I am on an emotional roller coaster...could I possibly be any more irritable? I dont think so..My nerves are
shot,,I am excited about the surgery but also scared, and anxious...mostly the excited part...but I am also super sensitive and EVERYTHING irritates me or makes me cry!!!! This is ridiculous......Have to work harder at controlling emotions....surgery is scheduled for 6-8-05
I was something of a monster the weeks prior to surgery. Like Heather, I had final exams to keep me busy. You'll need something to keep your mind off of it, at least for part of the day.
Being scared/nervous/anxious is all normal. I couldn't believe that I was actually going through with it. I must say, although I had some regret during the first 7-10 days, I feel great now (day 16). I heard time and time again that it gets better every day, and it really does. Especially when you can start doing "normal" activities again, which I've been doing for about a week.
I wish you the best of luck. AND know that what you are feeling at this point is so very "normal". At least it was for me.
I had my surgury on 3-29-05. I looked at it as an adventure. Was quite surprized at how easy the "Journey " went. Can honestly say the worst part of the surgury was not being able to sleep in my own bed. Moving around in bed in a "Johnny Coat" was not easy so bring something with short sleeves and slippery"rayon, or polyester" to get into as soon as you can. I used pillows to prop myself up when sleeping on my side and remeber to hold a pillow to your tummy when you cough. I was back on my feet and at work in 2 weeks and am down 65 pounds from my surgury date and life is better every day, so keep your eye on that great future you have ahead of you and the surgury will slip by in a flash. Good Luck and God Bless!