ok..feeling crappy...anyone relate???

on 5/29/05 8:25 am - WATERBURY, CT
I finally have to ask for advice because I cant stand this anymore. The best way to describe how bad I feel would be to call it just like bad morning sickness. I know I am not eating OR drinking anywhere near enough. I take maybe one or 2 sips of something then I get a lump in my throat then instant nausea. Same with eating. I am wasting so much food and money on food because I keep buying new things to try and one bite or 2 (if I'm lucky) then I start to gag. All I do is spit out mucous all the time. And even if I do vomit it is all mucous and not the food I am trying to eat. Living in a constant state of nausea sucks big time and i dont know how much more I can take. I have tried every drink you can name and I hate everything. Everything that is sugar free tastes too sweet for me. I was craving cho**** cream so i bought some sugar free(very low sugar and sugar alcohol levels) and one bite and that was it. I couldnt even look at it after that. I am trying not to eat things that arent on my stage yet but I am 5 days away from the next stage and am at wits end of how I will get food in and staying down if I cant even hydrate myself or feed myself now. Tonight I tried a little bit of rice krispies(bad choice I know) but it actually stayed down. I ate so little as I was terrified of it. Got to the last bite and had to spit it out. Now the thought of it makes me nauseus. I dont know if I am or what but I cant stand this anymore. Has anyone had anything remotely like this? It all got worse after I spent the day in the ER the other day fearing a PE. I think a lot of this mucous has to do with having pneumonia before surgery(about a month before). Because when I do I dont vomit my food I am eating. It is just mucous. I also wonder if maybe I have so much mucous it is making my pouch constantly full? And that is why nothing will go in?? Ughhh I know I am rambling now, and I really should call the Dr since my visit the other day was basically useless....since I got my staples out and went right to the ER. And when i do call with questions it takes minimum 20 minutes just to get an answer to one q imagine all of this??? If anyone has advice or has gone thru this I appreciate if you'd offer me some advice on what to do or if and when it will pass. Thanks everyone I know I just rambled and prolly made no sense but I am going crazy here! hugssssssss Krista 327/286
Bette B.
on 5/29/05 9:14 am
Hi, Krista! Keep in mind that I had lapband, not RNY, so I may not know how your problems compare to mine. But you ARE pretty recently out and it could be that your system is having a tough time recovering from the surgery, which is pretty intrusive. However, if you're not taking enough in or keeping anything down, especially fluids, you're going to run the risk of getting dehydrated and that's a SERIOUS problem. It sounds from your description that you are very much at risk. I'd call your doctor's office on Tuesday (if not before) and not hang up to you get an answer that satisfies you and assuages your worry. Doesn't matter if if takes 5 mnutes or 5 hours, you need to remember that you're paying these people to be prompt, attentive, knowledgeable and helpful. Fortunately, I've never run into a problem with my doctor, his partners or anyone in his office. I've always got resolution to my problems immediately. Good luck. Be tough. Bette 376/176~~~December 2003
Maggie S.
on 5/29/05 10:26 am - Norwich, CT
I would give Dr. Valin's office a call. They are awesome to work with. You don't want to run the risk of getting dehydrated. Keep trying to sip those fluids. Water, broth and jello is what I would start with to see if you can keep those down. It is very important that you take good care of yourself in this early stage and make sure you are sticking to the proper stage. Dr. Valin did my surgery as well and I know that Deb and Dr. Valin are always very helpful. I would probably call now rather than wait until Tuesday. It's possible that you might need some fluids through an IV. Feel Better Maggie
heather R.
on 5/29/05 11:28 am - avon, CT
Hi Krista I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling so lousey. I would try just sucking on ice chips. Even when everything else is coming up they stay. You might want to try not eating anything for a day. I know that's not what we're supposed to do, but sometimes our bodies need a break. If you stop trying to put a lot of different things in your pouch maybe it will settle down. Sometimes we make things worse by trying to eat. If our stomachs(pouches) are already irritated, more is just making it more aggrevated. Know what I'm trying to say? Either way, try the ice chips. And I wouldn't wait to call your DR until Tuesday, I'd call tomorrow. Understand.....THIS IS AN EMERGENCY! Especially if you get more dehydrated. Please call his service even tonight and talk to him!!!! Hope you get feeling better!! Hugs Heather
Dina G
on 5/29/05 11:37 am - Windham, CT
Krista- I'm so sorry that you are feeling so crappy. I am a recent post-op patient of Dr. Valin's as well. If it were me, I'd call and get some answers from them. I also don't think it is a good idea to wait until Tuesday. You don't want to end up being dehydrated. I wish I could recommend something appetizing that would stay down. My instinct says that the ice pops might be your best bet. I found sugar-free, fat-free Philly Swirls at the local Big Y. They aren't so bad. I'll be thinking of you. Warm Regards, Dina
on 5/29/05 1:01 pm - Warwick, RI
Krista, I just wanted to add this.. it sounds just like what happened to me early post op. Everything was going down really rough, making a tight pain in my chest. If I had too much of something I'd have a ton of mucous build up.. still not sure why that is. I'd still ask the Dr. about this.. the ER isn't much help, I've found for us post ops. That amount of fluid can be disturbing though. The other thing you might want to do is gently get your fluids down, reduce the volume, even if you have to do a teaspoon of liquid at a time. It takes the pouch a while to adjust. It's not always going to be like this, trust me. Make sure you do your best to keep hydrated and if you get the feeling that you're hurting your pouch, give it a day on just fluids/protein shakes.. I find that works for me and helps w/the nausea. Hope this helps and you feel better soon. Hang in there. Michelle
on 5/29/05 1:22 pm - Unionville, CT
Sounds like you're having a rough time. It does sound somewhat like my experience, however. I don't know what diet you are on, but I ate my first egg 30 days after surgery. I didn't eat anything more solid than Jello and protein shakes for a month, I couldn't hold anything else down. I didn't begin experimenting until a month out. I would still call your surgeon, though, perhaps you have a stricture or ulcer. As an outside observer with no medical knowledge, it seems like you may be rushing it a bit. But like I said, I'm not qualified to judge that, just feeling your pain and remembering how it was for me. I hope you feel better soon. --Steve
Julio Ramirez
on 5/29/05 7:23 pm - Guilford, CT
Hi Krista, You may want to give your surgeon a call. They can check to see if your stomach is draining properly. You should be able to get liquids down ok by now. I was using a baby spoon to eat with, still do to control both the amounts of food I was eating as well as the speed. I bought a little food processor{they see them in stores for about 12 dollars} and pureed everything in it before I ate. I would make a can of tuna with a bit of mayo and put it in those stage one baby food jars. they are 2 oz's each so you know you aren't eating too much. Remember, you can take your fluids in suger free ice pops as well. Maybe that will be easier for you, But Defenitly talk with your surgeon! I am 2 months out and 65 pounds lighter! So, better days are coming ! Take care and Good Luck! Julio
on 5/31/05 3:13 am - WATERBURY, CT
Thanks to all of u who offered words of advice and encouragement. I have been sucking and chewing away on ice chips and they stay down so well. Actually helped me enough to be able to eat last night and again this morning. Still have the case of the foamies but I believe it is from being either dehydrated or pretty darn close to it. Also hot tea went down and stayed down yesterday afternoon, but then last night it was a no go. So i guess it is just live ad learn but if it gets worse I will just call the dr and get checked for a stricture(which Im dreading). thanks again all of u! hugssssssss Krista
on 5/31/05 10:50 pm - Central, CT
THis reply is late, and I'm a little rushed, so I haven't read through all the responses. So, if this is redundant- sorry! Warm Liquids are the key to relaxing that testy pouch and helping with the mucous. Try warm herbal tea (not too hot) don't put anything in it. Mint or a mint medley is especially good ans it soothes nausea too. But, any decaf tea is fine. It has always helped me and I know it will help you too. But, I do also advise speaking to your Dr and letting him know the extend of your problem. This too shall pass, promise. Hang in there. Hugs, Lisa C
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