Anyone else feel like this?
Hello All-
Hope everyone is doing well.
I have a quick question that surely someone out there can help me with. I am 9 days post-op. Yesterday, I made my own chick stock. When I ate it, there was 2 of the smallest slivers of onion in the broth. They had cooked all day, so there was literally nothing left to them. Anyway, I swallowed them.
2 hours later, I experienced a wave of extreme nausea that lasted about an hour. I thought for sure that I would get sick, but ultimately didn't. Is this what people mean about certain foods "not agreeing with them"? Will I need to avoid onions for the rest of my life? What scares me is that it was such a trace amount to begin with.
Thanks for your wisdom!
I was wondering if it may not be the fat of the chicken, or the chicken itself (it's very gassing) that may have bothered you.
It could be the onion, but that small amount from the sliver seems so slight. BUT, your pouch is SO small now, that any size food item may effect it.
When in doubt, don't eat again until you talk to your doctor or staff.
Good luck, and keep well.
Thanks Chryssie and Paula-
I appreciate you both taking the time to answer my question. I'm sure that you both know how it is to be at this stage of the game. It really just scared me because I've done everything exactly right and so far, everythings gone amazingly well.
Do you both (or others) think it could be the fat, even if I can tolerate the Atkin's shakes? I was told to drink those as a reasonable full liquid, and even though I'm drinking Real Meal shakes, I have tried the Atkin's and they work fine.
>>It really just scared me because I've done everything exactly right and
>>so far, everythings gone amazingly well.
Remember that the only "right" is what's right for you. Some folks tolerate certain foods, while others can't get near the same foods without getting sick. This is not an exact science, you try something when you think you are ready, and if it doesn't work, go back to seomthing that does. You can always try the offending food again in a month or so and see if things are better. Experimentation is best done at home, by the way, for obvious reasons. Good luck!