need some advice
I woke up this morning and started taking sips of my water as I always do and this morning it is making me nauseas. I am afraid to go any further. Anyone know why? Any suggestions. I can not eat, right?
Also (and I already have a call into the doctor about this) my left forearm is killing me. It is tender to the touch. When I was in the hospital the doctor everyday asked me about my arms or legs hurting because of blot clots. Now, of course I am worried.
Hi Phyllis,
I recommend you go to the ER. They need to do an ultra sound on your arm right away to check for a blood clot. My husband is in the medical field and recommends that you do not wait for any return calls just to go right away. It may be nothing but those are the signs of a clot. Good luck and I will pray that it is nothing. Let us know how you make out.