Last night with Post op Gangs
Before I go to Post Op Group Support meeting, I stopped to visit Michael ( Julie's Brother). He is okay but he have gas pains in his stomach and was so sleepy. He was glad I visited him there then Debby M. introduced Marica(i am not sure her name is spelling right if it is wrong then Sorry) who had lap banded by Dr A. she is doing well and of course feel discomfort from her stomach. Then I went downstair for Post op support group meeting.... While we are waiting, my interpreter who know me before I had this surgery, She walked past me in the hall!!!!!! I called her name then she got surprised and did not reconized me She said Oh my gosh Kathy you look great!! She keeps saying oh my gosh!!! LOL I was so happy to see my angelette, Lauren there She looks wonderful and her face is more glower than before SMILE! Then After meeting, We went out to go Mexico Resturant to chat... Of course we did not eat all our foods and bring them home. Pam It was nice to meet you there and I would like to get know you better and want to be your friend! Please email if you need any helps with your Stage 5 then I am here to help you if you asked me. you heard from Lauren telling you how great Angel I am when she was at hospital and still do it now SMILE! I am glad you came with us last night. STU... I am so glad I met you there and you are so nice guy and I enjoyed our conversation with you.. Would like to keep you in a touch no matter if you are in Fla or Ct. Don t forget to go shopping to get a new pant LOL Hope to see you again on May 16th at Support Group meeting. I am looking forward to meet your family on july 16th SMILE! Hugs Me! Debby... I can tell that you are losing weight by your clothes are too big!!! Time to go shopping to buy smaller size SMILE!! I have new sign langauge name for you since you love to hold your cell phone. I will show you your new sign langauge name when you see me SMILE!!! Oh It was great to see Julie again. she looks Fastastic!!! She is very good sister to her brother and make sure he is fine. I am sure her brother appreciate her supports!!!
Hope to see you all on May 16th for Middlesex group support meeting
Kathy K
Hi Kathy,
I had a great time last night! Thank you and the rest of the gang for inviting me. You are all so very nice and it was such a pleasure speaking with everyone. What a great group!
Lauren has a great idea on her store. Let me know if I can help.
Sorry I had already eaten and couldn't join you. Next time I will remember not to eat.
Debby, I know what you are going through because I have been there. Things will get better.
Stu, it was so good to talk to you. I will call you tomorrow. Today has been very hectic.
Kathy, I want to be your friend also.
Have to get going to take the kids to dance class.
Thanks again for everything
Pam K