May 4th Support/Information Meeting-Norwalk Hosptial
Please note the change in location for the NORWALK HOSPITAL NEW PATIENT INFORMATION AND SUPPORT GROUP MEETING scheduled for Wednesday, May 4th at 6 p.m. We will be meeting in NASH AUDITORIUM (which is located on the basement level of the hospital) and not in Perkins Auditorium (where we usually meet). As always, prospective patients and those just seeking some information about laparoscopica gastric bypass surgery are invited to attend where they will meet Dr. Crum and many post-operative patients who will share their experiences with the group. Also, this is a great opportunity for new patients to find a mentor who can help guide them through the process. Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected] . Hope to see you all on Wednesday, May 4th.