Water/Fluid Intake
Ok I know we are supposed to get a minium amount of water/liquids in everyday and I do the minimum but I am trying to go beyond that so I have been in the bathroom a lot today. Are we supposed to use it alot with thise much fluids in our body or are we supposed to be retaining the water. Also just a question, guy at work asked me why do I need so much water. Is it just for dehydration or does it help with weight loss because he said too much water is bad for you but since we dont absorb as "normal" people do and I am always in the bathroom is it really helping???
Here is what I have heard, don't know much about what is really true.
The water helps us from dehydrating, and is supposed to flush out the fat. And that too much water was not good for you. Someone told me we are supposed to take our weight, cut it in half, and that's how many ounces of water we are supposed to drink a day. Well, if that was true, I would have to drink 128oz. a day! I am currently drinking almost 96oz. a day. Can just get that in. If I drank anymore, I would not get any food in.
Just my $.02.