Want to share special new to all of you
Hi Kathy,
I am a little late in my reply to you, but I want to join everyone in congratulating you on joining the "Century Club". You have been quite an inspiration to a lot of us and you were quite instrumental in my decision to join the gym. I have also been going everyday because of you! You are going to be the Belle of the Ball on your cruise.
Well I have already told you privately, but I will say it here too. How proud I am of you and what an inspiration you have been to me in my own journey. If it was not for you pushing me to exercise I would not have tried it and found out that I liked it. By watching my Angel Kathy, I have learned how to live this new lifestyle. You have taught me so much. I dont think I could ever match your 100 lbs in 5 months but its certainly an inspiration to try hard to come close.
I am so happy for you that you have achieved this success before your cruise. Now you can go on your trip with an added bonus of feeling utterly sexy.
Thanks my Angel, for cheering me on. I know you were put on this earth to be the cheerleader for wls and exercise and a new way of life for us all. Keep up the encouragement. Its really helping. I was so uninto it for a while, but you kept pecking away at it and because you did that I turned a huge corner in my life. I appreciate it and am eternally grateful.
God Bless you my sister wls
Wow, Kathy!!!
I hopped on the boards today since it's been so long I wanted to check up on everyone. You are such a success story. Like someone else said though, I knew you would be from the start. You've been such an inspiration to so many people here including me. Your friendship and contagious positive attitude are treasured by us all.
PLEASE let us all see the new you and get a new picture!
lots of love and hugs,
Cheryl (your old angel)