Kathy's Excercise Log- WEdnesday
Good Morning Everybody,
Come on Everybody to input your excercise log on this board no matter if it is 10 min or 15 min to compare to all of us. You can build up your excercise time and your engery will build up too. I will be happy to help you or give you good advice or support you to cheer.......
I worked with my trainer last night
5 min on treadmill
chestpress 3 sets for 12
back excercise 3 sets for 12
squats 3 sets for 20
leg extensions 3 sets for 12
leg curl 3 sets for 12
biceps 3 sets for 12
triceps 3 sets for 12
shoulder excercise 3 sets for 12
cruches 90 sitsup with heavy excercise ball
cardio for 15 min for cross trainer
Tonight my trainer and I will go to L M Hospital where she will talk about excercise and muscles there tongiht. I will use 35 min on treadmill after work today.
You can do it!!
Have a great workout!
Kathy K
Hi Kathy,
Looking forward to hearing your personal trainer tonight. I am finding that exercise is just as important as the food intake! Now that I belong to a gym, I should post most days about it.
I will do two rounds at Butterfly Life, takes 30 minutes. I work on my legs and arms, and do some cardio.
I'm loving this mild weather and so is my little doggy. Four days in a row we've been able to go out walking in the AM. I know that it's going to turn nasty again, but I'm making the best of it now.
We went for a half hour walk this AM and then I came home and cleaned the house for two hours! Feels so good to have this much energy!
101lbs GONE!