I'm Home
Went into surgery on Monday, surgery got started late around 1pm - Was out of recovery by 5pm and in my room. Monday nite I was in pain and out of it but by 11pm I had the pain under control. I went for a walk around 11:30pm. Sleeped pretty good that night. At 4am I had the catheral (sp) taken out. Had the leak test around 11am the first drink was bad the second was not that bad. Came back in my room at noon had my IV and leak bag taken out and I started drinking water. Had a pretty good day, walked around and went to the support group for a little bit. Around 8pm started getting gas pain until this morning around 10pm I moved my bowls. I feel great I been getting my ensure today, my water. Going to take a nap right now since I walked most of the night since I had really bad gas pain. Thank you everyone for the great support and I will post more details later.