"protein' bars and ocean State Job Lot
Hi All! I just wanted to post a little tidbit.
Someone mentioned a while back about all the good deals Ocean state had going on re: protein bars.
So, I decided (belatedly) to go and see what they had.
Now- let me preface by saying that I MAY have missed all the good ones!-but, what they had was mostly HORRIBLE. My goodness, the things they put in a bar and call good for you!!
I wanted to post this so that especially the pre-ops will know to be careful when looking at this stuff. When you're not used to label reading, you may just take it at face value that these things are good for you. They SAY low carb lifestyle and low fat and high protein, etc right on them, right?
I did manage to find some EAS carb control bars that were OK. Not great, but doable for someone where I'm at. There ARE way better bars out there for protein though. There were all kinds of other EAS products, and some atkins stuff and some slim fast stuff and some other bars that I can't remember...but BOY did they have a selection. The sucky thing is that almost ALL of the bars there had either too much sugar, too much sugar alcohol or WAY too many carbs in porportion to the protein they offered.
So, a little FYI- just make sure you're checking the nutritional labels closely when youre buying these things. Or- you may wind up with a nasty surprise!