I'm a pt of Dr A's and had surgery 9 weeks ago. I have had back pain since. Dr A said it wasn't from anything he did--LOL-- My PCP wants me to have an MRI but told me I had to check with Dr A to see if there is any metal in me from the surgery. I called the office but its closed today. Does anyone know? Thanx, Linnie
Good news. Rebate is still good and the lines are short--I think Patty the nurse said Dr A's surgical line never goes over 4 inches. He-he. I never had staples-that I know of-at least on the outside.. I asked Dr A how he kept the skin together and he told me it "was magic". I wonder if I will ever get a straight answer from him. LOL. thanx for your reply. I will call the office on Monday. My pcp told me I must find out before he orders the MRI. Linnie
I have a girl i work with who had a different surgeon, she said hers are titanium....but definitely check with your surgeon to see if you can have the MRI....when my hubby had his, they said the metal can be brought to the surface, and they were especially worried about the eyes
good luck..back pain is no fun..his turned out to be herniated disks..and ohh what paid he is STILL going thru !!