Many thanks to Lisa C. and Anahid
I just wanted to thank these ladies for putting on such a great gathering yesterday. They put in such effort to make it a great event and to make everyone feel welcome. To Kathy B for the Yankee Swap, which, despite someone taking my lamp - hee hee Darlene (still love ya), was so much fun. Joanie, that job was perfect for us, we got to see everyone!! This was my first official gathering and I had such a good time meeting all of you that I see on the these boards everyday. NONE of these pictures do any of us justice! You all are gorgeous and yesterday motivated me to really kick some insurance butt and do what I need to do to get my surgery covered.
I am volunteering in advance to help set up the next one!!
I cherish you all my AMOS family!!
Have a great holiday!