Hi Everybody
Please send her any kinds of wishes or congrats to Lisa C. since she is an inspiration to all of us!
I am so glad I met you last March and got know you better this year. I am so proud of your 2nd anniversary since your surgery. I have learned alot from you and depend on you if I need your help or any questions. You are always being there for me! Congrats for 2nd Anniversary !
Looking forward to see you this Saturday
Kathy K

Dear Lisa,
Congratulations to you!! Since I am one of the few you knew you before and see what you have accomplished I can only say that "Honey you are the best!! " You have been my mentor and provided guidance, inspiration and prayers for my journey and new life. I would not be here today if not for you. Lots of love from me because you are truely a friend and a wonderful special person who has opened her heart to not only me but lots of others as well.
This is Anahid! I echo everyone's statements regarding our good friend Lisa. You all know what Lisa has meant to me. From the day we met we were bonded and the glue has only solidified more in the last 2 years. I daresay we're best friends! Our surgical experience brought us together, yes, but our friendship goes far beyond surgery. I am blessed to have you in my life (as I tell u regularly, Miss Lisa)... I say this whole thing was kismet for so many of us... How lucky we are to have Lisa C in our day to day lives and amidst us. She is a divine human being who exemplifies courage, kindness and intelligence unsurpassed. Such a burden it must be to live in that shell - huh Lisa? LOL. To be so loved and admired. Oh my!
Anyway, I'll see y'all later today. Have a safe journey all... Can't wait to have some good, clean, fun! Ta ta!
Anahid (A A)
Anahid!!! Its great hearing from you! Wish you'd post here more often. Both you and Lisa are an inspiration to all of us! I saw your picture at Dr. A's office again..and just smiled...and thought about how much meeting you at the dinner touched my life. I have been talking about you both ever since!
See you later!