Experienced WLS Doc in Hartford
FYI : There is now a Dr. Tischler with the CT Surgical Group in Hartford, CT on Seymour St. Excellent credentials and mortality stats, lots of surgeries. Came up from Georgia to join the surgical team. Operates out of Hartford Hospital. ( They are starting a new bariatric program obviously).
His name is not on the web site yet, but if you call the main number and ask for him they will transfer you to his office. My PCP recommended him to me.
So, I now have a busy week....I have waited a little over 3 weeks just to get to an info seminar with Aranow and that is tommorow night. After which I can get an appointment somewhere down the pike and then get a packet etc....
I called Tischler's office today and have to pick up a packet TOMMOROW AM
and have an appointment to meet with him AND do a seminar on THURSDAY AM...(gulp)...talk about fast tracking!
I am just keeping my options open and exploring all avenues...I want to be done with this by the end of January and not lollygagging around for 6 to 8 months....we'll see how I feel when I actually meet the man.
Wish me luck!
I know how you feel, you want the surgery yesterday.... Please take your time and make sure you are COMPLETELY confident w/ the sugeon you choose. Base it on who you like and their credential, not on when they can operate.
I am not telling you who to use or not, just make sure you explore your options, there are so many great surgeons in CT!
Good luck,
Hi Gang,
Oh yes...I am definitely keeping my options open...I will not rush at the expense of my health no matter how tempting it is..I just want to go and investigate...I just wanted to post that there is another Doc out there...and I am gonna go and see what he is like..and as I said..also still going to see Dr. A....I know this is much more serious than shopping for a car...lol...and yes...there are a lot of good surgeons in CT once you get to investigating...more choices..more choices...am sure God will lead me to what is right for me.
I so appreciate ALL of you being there and making this place available!
Hi Sher
I actually sat in on one of Dr. Tischler's info seminars a month or so back. (I like to keep on what's going on out there in WLS world) I was very impressed with him. He's also a very nice man. We talked a lot and he is very passionate about what he does. Be prepared- he's very young...in fact, I think younger than Dr. Aranow.
I still would have chosen Dr. Aranow even if Tischler was an option. But, to each his own. You have to do what you think is best for YOU. I commend you on looking at multiple doctors and choosing the program you feel best in. Not enough people do that.
Anyhow, I wish you good luck in your journey. THings have a way of going fast then slowing down, then going fast again...it's strange. I wish you all green lights though!
Hi Lisa!
Glad to see your pretty face back on the boards again! (Hope that does not sound funny..lol)...
Well..tommorow at 7:45AM I will take a look see....one thing in favor is that he does a lot of laproscopic procedures and that is right up my alley...as for looking young...Aranow looks young...lol...my PCP looks young...EVERYBODY looks YOUNG....WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......I think It means that I am getting OLD!!! I can't seem to find any "fatherly Marcus Welby types" ANYWHERE!!! I guess to father ME they'd have to be 75!!!
Anyway..I'll see what I think when I meet him...nothing will happen until after Christmas at best anyway...have to go to 2 support groups before scheduling and the first one is Dec 20....plus I may hit a few more.
I know Dr, A is good..I know three people that had him...and I know this board is FULL of his patients too...but we can't ALL be his patients!! No dissing of ANY kind meant...honest! I could still end up there! But..this is not like buying a Gucci handbag..or choosing between Prada and Chanel...
I just have to shop around and hopefully get though this thing in one piece and then have a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG and happy life so everyone can look even YOUNNNNGER!!!!!!
Hugs to you and the rest of you guys!