Upset with Myself
Hi Joanie,
Remember, you are human...and that gives us a pass to occasionally fall back into old habits. Key word - occasionally. You know it is not going to become an everyday occurance, and just think of how far you have come.
Tomorrow is another day, don't sweat it. Believe me, I've done it too. Remember, I was Dumas Deb for awhile...
I've been thinking about this all day, and trying to find something inspriring to help with how you feel. I can't find anything because i struggle with the same issues.
I don't know what the answer is. Everyone is a great cheerleader, but sometime it is just not enough. I face the problem DAILY, and have not found an answer yet. When Lent was here, I had lost almost 20 lbs in 4 weeks. Since then, it has all come back.. quite easily I can tell you. I find myself trying to find something that I want to eat, something that tastes good. I just can't find it. Everyone once in a while I find something that satisfy me for a while and tastes good. Unfortunatly, it is the rare exception.
Joanie, we all got fat for a reason. This did not happen overnight, and the patterns which we developed will not go away overnight either. SOMEHOW we need to find a way to do a few things. First of all, it IS OK NOT to finish everything on our plates. If the food goes to waste, it is still better than the food going to waist. Not finishing the food will not cause some small child in an underdeveloped country to starve to death. It IS better for it to be given to one of the kids rather than gaining weight. Second of all, we will fail some days. That is normal. We are human. We DON'T HAVE TO FAIL EVERY DAY! When we fail one fay, it is time to put it in the past, bury it behind us, and move on at a new start. This tool is a new start for our lives, and it has empowered us to magical things, expecially to lose weight successfully. It has empowered us to lose weight tomorrow also. If today we stumble, tomorrow we can stand tall and remembber that we CAN lose again.
I guess it is time for me to move off the soapbox and find a way to start listening to myself some. Maybe seeing it in print will make it easier for me to follow also.
As usual, you said it so eloquently! Enpowerment is ours! I had a much better day today. It just all threw me for a loop yesterday...thinking the honeymoon is over. I know how far I have come and how difficult the surgery was...I am not about to blow it! I want to thank everyone who took the time to post their suggestions and concerns.