Joanie's Food Log-Sunday
Its one cold day out there! I am going to try to get out and walk 3 miles in a bit...I missed 2 days of walking this week...and am thinking my plan about walking through the winter is not going to happen. This Friday I am going to use my husbands free pass from his gym and go try it out...I don't want to get lax in the exercise dept. I know that is the key to my long term success! My daughter is cheering at a football game at 5:30pm..we are going to FREEZE!! She was lucky(?) enough enough to cheer for a team that made the playoffs. If they win today..we have the last championship game next week! is my food plan for today.
B-coffee half caffeine--I added about 1/4 cup of carb countdown choc milk to it...4 gms of protein does that count?? (guess no breakfast-its late)
S-Protein drink--30g
L-perdue chicken w/salsa and lite sour cream
S-Momentum bar
D-WW low carb frozen dinner
S-low fat triscuts 3 with 1 slice of cheese
Keep Warm CT!