Good evening ladies and gentz. I'ts me,
the one and only lol I really happy to inform you that im fine and everthing felt like it was GOD himself performing the surgery
i felt really scared
when they put me on that cold table. But, a surgery that was supposed to last 3 hours was done in 1 1/2 hours i also was supposed to be in recovery for 4 hours and 3 hours later i was up in my room. The worst part of all, i have lots of friends in the room waiting for me and the only thing i was able to say was " THEY HAVE ME NAKED!!!!!! . I GUESS IT WAS THE ANESTHESIA. that same night they got me walking around the nurses station and i was pushing my self to walf a lil bit furthest. i spend the next 3 days walking doinf my excersices and was ready to go home , on thursday i was on my way home around 12:30 pm and it was really a nice feeling.but there was one problem.............GAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god i couldnt handle all that gas but thank god before i left the hospital they gave me couple containers of that anti-gas stuff they used in the hospital they also told me they sell that at any pharmacyits called GUESS WHAT??? MALOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
. anyway ive been drinking water, crystal light, i tried that broth thingy one word......
NASTY!!! i got some isopure in diffrent flavors but i need some more imput on more protein stufff ok i dont wanna bored you guys to death THANKS FOR ALL THE PREYERS AND BELIEVE ME I FELT EVERY ONE OF THEM !!!!!!! thank you for all your support and its time now to start getting that loser's bench realley warmed up lol God Bless you all cuz you all deserve it.
Remember any questions or comments please dont hesitate to e-mail me
Victor Alicea