If you get hungry...
...and it is not time to eat and you are trying not to graze.
As I was cleaning the basement today, I found a crossword puzzle book that I had bought some time back. I like to do simple and easy puzzles.
So I thought I would put it by at my bedside.
Then I got an idea!
Why not do a puzzle the next time I am hungry and it is not time to eat yet. (Sorry folks, that does happen to me from time to time...you know head hunger, etc.)
Then I decided to call it:
"My Wait 20 Minutes Crossword PUzzle Book"
and wrote that on the cover.
As well I wrote down..."Slow Down and Drink H20"
as a reminder in case my hunger is from lack of fluids.
I am passing this on for those who might think it a fun & useful idea.

Great idea! When I get the head hunger I get on the computer, get up and do some chores, take the dog for a walk, something to redirect me from the thoughts.
It works wonders...soon I have forgotten all about how "hungry" I was. Doing crosswords is a good idea, because your hands are kept busy.
Thanks for sharing...this is a good topic!
77lbs GONE!