Tara is in the hospital ---
Hi guys again ..
I just got back from the hospital.
Tara is still there
She got to at least eat today, all liquid diet though. Soup, Gatoraide, Tea, Jello ...
Still don't have any real idea when she's coming home, hopefully tomorrow.
She is not in so much pain any longer, they have stopped giving her morphine to manage it, only tylenol now and it didn't seem to bother her too much tonight while I was there. She was in a much better mood today than the previous days.
So hopefully the next message you see will be from her tomorrow when she gets home, if they let her come home tomorrow.
Take care

Ed -
I just happened upon this message -- I wish I had known. I was just at the hospital yesterday (11/8) for a check-up with Dr. Tran & even mentioned Tara's name ...
I hope things are going better today & she's feeling better. I'll be saying my prayers for her!! We all hit snags from time to time, I believe, and she'll be up & running around like a crazy woman in no time!
God bless,
Kathy F.