Tara is in the hospital ---
Hi Guys,
This is Ed .. Taras husband.
I took her to the hospital last night around 1:00 AM. She was complaining of lots of Pain and Cramping from her sternum to her lower abdomen. When we got there she could barely even walk.
They have admitted her, and taken X-rays and a CAT scan. The dr's can find nothing so far. They say the x-rays and cat scans look normal. They are very concerned about a fever she is running. At it's highest it was 103.8. It is coming down slowly, when I left her at the hospital it was 102.2.
She has already been visited by one of Dr Trans Surgical residents, so Dr Tran is aware that she is there and is watching out for her.
Please keep her in your prayers today.
I will update this thread when we find out more.
Hi again ...
She is still there. I just came home to grab something to eat and let thew dog out.
The Dr's think it is a bowel obstruction. But it doesn't seem too serious beacuse they are not talking about surgery. Her fever has broken and she is resting comfortably with the help of morphine.
The Dr's say we'll just ride it out for a while and see what happens, so I'm sure they do not think it is "too" serious. She will probably be there overnight tonight and maybe most of the day tomorrow.
I will print out this thread for her to read.
Thanks everyone for the well wishes.
They are greatly appreciated.