Almost Six Weeks out and can't get well
I am so sorry to hear you are feeling so bad and have had some problems. What exactly are you able to eat/drink and keep down? Is your doctor aware of your difficulties, any suggestions from them? How about their dietician, Any help talking with her? All you can do is keep trying, it is so important to get enough fluids in, are you able to tolerate protien drinks ect?. I know you are having a difficult time right now and hope things improve for you soon.
Let us know how you are and be sure to let your doctor know what is going on.
Take care

330+/230/200 (originally got down to 200, but gained 30 back) :-(
"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels....." (unknown)
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10
So sorry to hear you are having so much trouble. I know what that feeling is like for just a couple of hours and can imagine how awful it must be to feel that way most of the time. Hoping the Drs. find a way to help you get some relief and find the answer to getting you on the mend so you can enjoy the benefits of having the surgery and feel normal again. Hang in there, sending good thoughts your way.