Finally!! Results from testing!
Today I got the call from Dr. Reinhold's office. The results of my CAT scan and I HAVE GALLSTONES! While you may wonder why I'd be so happy about this. Is first of all, I am not crazy, (well no more than usual) and secondly, they can DO something to help me! He also feels I need to have my mesh replaced from my hernia repair so they will do both at once. I am still not sure whether they will actually remove my gallbladder or zap the stones of what. But I am going for an ultra sound next week and that will tell more.
I am so relieved today......I have been waiting so long as most of you know to hear what the problem was. I never gave up and kept pushing until I found out. I firmly believe you have to be your own advocate with your health and if you feel something keep investigating until you get answers.
So today is a good day for me and all your prayers and support got me through some rough months.
I am glad its something simple that can be taken care of! I am so happy you were persistant. FYI-the ultrasound is very simple and will tell if your GB is inflammed or if the ducts to your GB are dilated. They usually removed your GB laporscopically if there are stones that are bothering you.
Hope this helps-
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheryl I am sooo glad that you finally have some answers. It is hard to believe that this is something so obvious and in many ways simple yet over looked for way too long. Now I can go away with a lighter heart knowing that you will be pain free soon and I have always known you are not any more crazy than me.......

That is open to any interpretation you want
. I will call you when I get back to get all the details. Love you.

Hi Cheryl,
I feel your pain, literally. When I was 22 I started getting incredible pain in my lower back that would eventually radiate throught my body. I would vomit blood (sorry for being so graphic) and all but pass out from the pain. My Mum ri=ushed me to the ER and the no-mind Dr said I had gas. GAS!!! Well, I knew that wasn't right. Next time it happened we went back to the ER and they said I might have a tubal pregnancy and SENT ME HOME to do an EPT. I knew I wasn't pregnant so I never bothered with that. FInally, three months after the first attack, my OB/GYN sent me for a Ultrasound and they found the gallstones.
Anyhoo - I'm glad they know have a direction in order to get you back in fighting condition.
Hope to see you on the 20th!!
Gallbladderless Deb