Awesome Feeling
Last my my DH and I went to our couples therapy. We hadn't been in 2-3 months, and last time we went I was starting my WLS journey. Our therapist did not know I had had surgery.
He came into the waiting room and we stood to go in his office. He kept looking at me kinda funny, then after we all sat he said something about my weight loss (I don't remember exactly). I said yes I had lost 44 lbs. He said he did not recognize me at first!!! That is why he was staring at me, he was trying to figure out who my DH brought!!!!
He said I looked great and he could not believe the difference, not only physically, but in my personality as well!
It really was an incredible feeling that someone saw that big of a difference, and really boosted my confidence. When I look in the mirror, I don't see much of a difference, so it is nice to know that others do!
Thanks for listening, I just had to share how amazing this journey is!!