B/C Pill Question
Did anyone have their surgeon tell them to stop their birth control pill a couple of months prior to their surgery to be sure to avoid any possible blood clots?? Just curious as I get hellacious cramps and stopping my b/c pills is not something I am wont to do. (Sorry guys if that is TMI)
Your sage advice, as always, would be greatly appreciated.
I was never on anything. so my Dr told me to get on something. Strange how every Dr is different. He definately didn't want me to wind up pregnant. (a cruel irony there...)
But, anyway...it's the estrogen in BC that can contribute to blood clots. I went on DEPO, because it was progesterone, and did not contribute to blood clots. THis is all what my OBGYN explained to me...
If your Dr told you to stop your BC, and didn't tell you what you COULD take, then I'd re-consult with him, because he may have a preference.
Sorry to not be of any more help.