Just a few more days...
Well just a few more days and I will be on the loosing side! I cannot believe how calm I feel today ..actually excited and anxious for the weekend to be over..thats a first!
My husband is nervous enough for both of us..I think thats why I am not ..or at least not showing it. I have to go shopping for the final things like sugar free ice pops and more shakes. I think I have everything else but I am sure there will be last min things I have forgot to get. Anyone have any suggestions about what to take to the hospital?
Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers on tuesday..
thanks for all the super support
Pattie D
Hi Pattie:
I was very calm right before surgery also. I think I had myself so ready that I was at peace with my decision. In terms of what to take to the hospital, you don't need much. I brought everything under the sun and didn't need a thing! I stayed in the johnny and didn't wear the nightgowns or robe I brought, I brought things to keep myself busy and never once looked at them. The only thing that I did use was my journal. I wanted to remember everything and I am pretty faithful with it still. It's been an incredible journey and I'm glad I have a thorough record of it.
Best of luck to you and you will be in my prayers.
-135 pounds
Good luck Pattie. Before you know it we will be sliding over to make room for you on the losers bench! Two of the best things I brought to the hospital with me was a teeshirt -which I wore under the binder and my back scratcher. I used it for every itch and also to reach for things for me. The only other thing I brought was my own slippers. Have a wonderful weekend and you will be in my prayers on Monday. Linnie
Hi Pattie
Oh boy your time is coming very soon!!! I will visit you on Nov 4th at 1230 pm or so to support you !!!
My advice to get comfortable slipper to wear so you have to walk and walk!!! Magazines is great to read... something to put on your lip to prevent dry. I never wear my bathrobe at hospital because I was wear jonny bathrobe. Buy t shirt to put under your binder. I will pray you on Nov 2nd and hope everything will go smoothly like mine.
Kathy K

Best of luck with your surgery next week, I will keep you in my thoughts. As far as preparation goes, you may want to purchase a pill crusher over the weekend. You will need to crush any medications that you are currently taking as well as the pain medication that you receive upon discharge from the hospital.
Good luck and feel free to ask questions as they come up.
-3 weeks post-op