Joanie's Food Log-Thursday
Today I am off- I am taking my niece and my great niece (gosh that sounds old) for pictures at the mall. I bought her the prettest Christmas dress! Nadia will be one in about three weeks. Will take them out to lunch and then over to see my 90 year old aunt. She looks terrific for her age and her mind is very sharp. She lives in assisted living and will love showing Nadia off to all her friends. So lunch at the mall today..probably subway. Dinner is still is having pasta...I am just saying NO!
Have a great day CT.
B-protein drink
L-salad at Subway
D- ?????????????

Hang in there Robin... it does get a little boring on the liquid stage, doesn't it. Just think of all the healing your little pouchy is doing though.
B - 8oz lactaid, 1/2 banana w/1TBSP natural p-nut butter
s - coffee w/beneprotein
L - Tuna w/lite mayo in 1/2 pita
D - Chicken w/spinach and some grapes
s - Momentum bar
Enjoying the 1st day as a World Series Champion Fan!

YOu are doing great Robin! How are you feeling? I was so busy today..I never had breakfast OR my protein drink. We went to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch..I had their Low carb turkey dinner...turkey with low fat gravy...mashed cauliflower and was good, but I could only eat a third of it. I took my walk--I just realized I hadn't had anything to drink all day! So I am just finishing 24 oz of Propel. Still not sure what dinner will be..maybe tuna on a green salad w/lite dressing.

Hi everybody,
Here is my menu:
B-Carb Countdown Yogurt
S-Protein Shake
L-green salad w/2 tsp monterey jack cheese, lite dressing
D-hamburger I was supposed to cook last night, but didn't because we
went out instead.
S-Protein bar
When we were out last night, a local grocery store had Atkins bars for .25 each!! I bought 16 of them, $4 and usually a box of 15 costs about $30. What a deal! (No they're not expired, either). WOW!
Have a great day!