I've been very sad, my surgery has been postponed
I had another abnormal pap
come back...I will be having a full hysterectomy in November...just waiting for a date. Prayers are greatly appreciated
. My gastric bypass surgery was scheduled for Nov. 15th, my 40th birthday.
It is a positive thing that I'm having the full hysterectomy done...including the ovaries... But emotionally,...I didn't see this coming and was so excited about the gastric bypass surgery. So it kind of threw me off a little ...I have A LOT of faith
...I believe in the fact that everything does happen for a reason. There is a divine plan in process...and I need to go with it. Anyway...Thank you for listening.
I am sorry that you are having to go theough all of this, but hopefully there will be a silver lining after it all.
I don't remember if you had found your first abnormal test prior to trying to have WLS. If not, maybe that was what this was all about... finding yet another way to save your life.
I am sorry your date had to be postponed, but this really does come first. You know "all things work together for good.." I'm going to pray this surgery is smooth sailing and you can be back on track before you know it!
Gosh this message board is really keeping me on my knees!
Robin R
Hi Carrie,
I am so sorry about this but it is better to take care of this first then when you are well enough then you will be ready for this surgery in the future. Keep post on our message board and stick with us until your next surgery date in the future. It is not endof the world! Take care of yourself .
Kathy K
Oh dear Carrie!
So sorry to hear of your need for a total hysterectomy and it affecting your bypass timeline. Well, all things in their own time - right?
If you want to chat, drop me a line. I had my bypass in March and I just had a total hysterectomy in September, so I can give you some insights. Two abdominal surgeries in a year is my limit though!!!
Anyways, honestly, if you'd like to discuss or have any questions, just write me.