I'm so scared!
Hello Everyone! It's been a while since I posted although I do come online to read the message board everyday. I just got back from a gynological exam.
I avoided going to one since 1991 because of all the negative comments I use to get when I went. They always made me feel awful about my weight and always made me feel uncomfortable. So much so I never went back. I did however keep up with going for mammagrams. Well during the exam, she felt a mass on my right ovary. Now she wants me to go for an ultrasound and if that doesn't get her an answer then I'll have to go for a CAT scan. :angst I had my GBS on Jan. 26th of this year and have lost a total of 130 lbs. and I'm feeling so good that this news has got me so scared. It must not be my day today because the job that I interviewed for was given to someone else. I was really hopeful that I would get it. And now this news. She said she wants to rule out cancer. She feels that it may also be fybroids (not sure how to spell it) but she's not sure. I know that it's my own fault for not keeping up with pelvic exams but the insults were so hard to take. I'm sorry to vent but this is the only place that I can. Does anyone out there know about fybroids?
I would really like to hear from you.

I am so sorry that you got some scary news. Back in 1997, my gynocologist found a mass on my right ovary. I had an ultrasound and it looked like a large cyst growing on or around my ovary. I had to have it, my ovary and fallopian tube removed and all turned out to be benign. Apparently, it was started by building scar tissue from my appendix removal many years before. I went to my Gyn. exams regularly and this went un-noticed for several years until it got big enough for someone to notice. So maybe it won't be so bad. I will pray for the best possible news for your situation.
Keep us posted,
Hi Lucy!
I'm glad that you went to the OB/GYN first off. Better to know and have it treated, I promise.
You can always come to this forum - we'lll support you - no questions asked!
Keep us posted with how you are doing. I am not familiar with fybroids, but I am familiar with lots of other tumors. Unfortunately.
Good luck
Hi Lucy,
Joanie-Ultrasound tech here... Fibroids are BENIGN growths that grow in the uterus...sometimes getting very large. Most times after menopause they shrink down. They can cause intermittant bleeding or heavy periods. I have about five of them myself..which never reall bothered me. Don't beat yourself up about not going for exams--they probably couldn't palpate them at the size you were. My doctor used to order an annual u/s for me..because she could not feel well enough because of my size.
I have found that most masses felt by doctors are usually fibroids or cysts. Cysts are fluid filled masses in the ovaries. Sometimes the docs might even be feeling stool filled bowel
!!!!!! Deal with what you know...and that is nothing right now. Have the u/s and then deal with the results at that time.
Sending prayers...

Hi Lucy,
I don't know anything aboy fibroids, but I do have an OB/GYN that I LOVE. If you want I can email you his name. He's amazing, gentle, very kind and best of all treats his patients like human beings. He has seen me at my biggest and never once mentioned my weight. I really appreciated that...still do.
Please keep us informed on your health. We're all concerned and care.
Prayers and peace to you,