Insurance Coverage..."Wars and Rumors of Wars"
xoxoxoxox X.
on 10/27/04 6:06 am
on 10/27/04 6:06 am
HI gang!
I have been perusing the main message board...anyhoo...I am serious about getting this surgery...I need and want to have it...the "insurance scare" keeps recycling...and it scares ME! LOL...A woman posted that she has Anthem BC/BS in West Virginia and that they are not covering WLS as of January....I am thinking it is a state to state MacDonald's fanchises..( if you will excuse the analogy)...I happen to have Anthem BC/BS State Preferred POS....has anyone with similar insurance heard this?
I have been under the impression from reading all the info that my insurance was one of the relative smoothies...I can't even get an appointemnt with Dr. A until attending a seminar on the 17th of I am wondering what the odds are of having surgery scheduled OR approved before January! I guess i could bite the bullet and CALL the insurance company...but would rather hear it here. Worse case scenario, I'll change carriers in May during open enrollment...
I wish the insruance rumors once put to bed would stay there and NOT get up a million times for a drink of water!
Thanks guys!
Sherrill W.