New here
Hi all~
I guess you can say I am just embarking on this journey (first meeting with my primary care doctor next friday) Not even sure yet if its a possibility (although I hope it is) has any one had surgery without having and side issues (diabetes,hypertension,acid reflux)? I don't have any of these things (of which I am extremely grateful) but wonder exactly what kind of questions my primary will be asking...
Hope to hear from you all~
First of all...WELCOME!
Second-some of the factors they will be looking at-primary-your BMI. Then they look for the co-morbidities-some of which you mentioned. They are also interested in back pain, pain in feet, knees, hips, etc.
Do you know if your PCP is going to support this kind of surgery? I was very lucky-my PCP was not only supportive-she referred me to Dr. Valin-who is AWESOME!
Good luck with your journey-keep posting to let us know how/what you are doing.

Hi Ann~
Thanks for the response! I don't know if my PCP will support the idea...since getting with this particular PCP I've seen everyone in the office but the one i picked so who knows...I'm 99.8% sold on the idea so maybe thats half the battle?
LOL come to think of it I do have pain in my knees..usually i know its gonna rain days before the weather guy does!
I only know one person who had the surgery and he looks amazing after 7 months (ok so I thought he was the next best thing to cheese cake before the surgery) but he's not one to ask questions I have a million of them!
When you all first contemplated the surgery did you get negative responses from those close to you?
Welcome ABOARD Felicia!!
I did not have any comorbities at my time of surgery...but the way I look at it I was lucky. I started out at 354 lbs and 5'10" the comorbidities were heading towards me at warp speed. Just because you don't have them today doesn't mean you wont have them a year from now. I'm trying my hardest to make sure that doesn't happen!
Congrats on taking the first step, and please know we're all here to support you through this process!
Come visit often!
Hi Felicia
Welcome to our Ct Message board!!!!! I had open RNY surgery last Oct with Dr Aranow and I am doing great!!!!! Please come to meet us at Gather party on Nov 20th to meet people who have different doctors and some of them have open RNY , Lap RNY and Lap Banding. ASk us any questions on this message board! SMILE!
Kathy K