I AM HOME!!!!!!!!
Hi Kathy,
Congrats on moving to the loosing side!! I knew you'd get through it without any trouble - with everyone praying for you (including me!). Just think, all your worries and it is over now. Concentrate on healing and walk when you can.
Looking forward to hearing from you on the boards again. We HAVE to meet soon. Let me know when you are up for visitors and I'll stop by.
Welcome home!!
Wooohoooo Kathy 

I am so happy that your surgery was uneventful. I'll keep praying that your healing process goes smoothly. I remember this being the first time in my life that I was excited to be a Loser...
If you need anything don't hesitate to email me. I don't start my new job till Nov. 8th so I'm at your disposal. I'm so proud and happy for you. Can't wait to see the pounds melt off.