I AM HOME!!!!!!!!
Hello my freinds,
All of you touched my heart and supported me while I was at Hosptial. Thanks to Pattie, Lisa C , Lauren,Kathy B, Terri, Cythina and Deb M to visit my room and made my day!!! Esspecially Lauren... She helped me to get shower because I cannot pass my gas pain... After Lauren went home, I walked 20 laps and finally I passed this !! WHEW!!! Lauren, You are next and I will be there while you will be at Hospital. Call me to let me know how is your day with Dr Bell today? I feel great to be home and it is more comfortable than hosptial. I have no problem with IV and surgery itself. I sam very happy and is looking forward my new life now. I will put update my profole when I can sit chair longer!!!
Kathy K
Looking forward to see all of you on Nov 20th !!

Hi Carrie,
To answer all of your questions
To be honest with you, The pain is hurt than my c sec but you have to get up and walk as much you can/ I woke up after two hours sleep thenm walked with special cane to hold with nurse behind me for two laps then I went to back to sleep for couples of hours then got up again and do it again for two laps. On second days the pain inside is worse but I keep move around and walk and walk. I walk like normal!! LOL All of the nurses want to take me as their nurse because they knows I am easiest patient to take care of LOL
I do not have any DRain tubes.
about NG Tubes.. No it is not hurt when I woke uo and they have special pump to get the blood out from my stomach. The next day the guy named Ken (nurse) pulled out. It is not hurted but just gross. I had to clean inside my nose. No big deal
My advice to you to try get up and walk and walk instead of lay down on your bed or you will be sorry to hard time to walk later.
I was so happy to find out I am alive after I woke up from recovery room and know God and people from this support group prayed for me .
No I did not weight in when I go to operation room but dont eat alot of foods.
any questions just ask me
Good luck and hope you have an angel
Kathy K