Hello All,
Ladies that responded to my last posting.. as always thank you for your thoughts & caring.
I spent another 4 days at the Le Spa St. Francis since last Sunday.
Turns out whatever took place 2 weeks ago during surgery was done too tightly. Drink & Food (what little I did have) went past the pouch but no farther so it just sat just above the rerouted intestine FESTERING... Gross..
So had to have a lovely tube put down my nose & into my stomach for pumping.. OMG... worst experience EVER... totally awake Mt Rushmore took place absolutely miserable.. had to have the tube stay in over night... with no real pain meds because you'll forget to "swallow"... What a hell of a thing to go through.
I was extremely dehydrated & my blood count sucked once again. Have nasty fluid build up where the gall bladder was removed. Also a likely hood I could have Krone's disease (big no no with Gastric Bypass) but not sure yet as I have so much fluid near the gall bladder site.
Sunday I was not a happy camper... Dr. Barba was out last week & I didn't see him until Wednesday & I think my husband was ready to street fight him to be honest.
Had an endoscope done while in the hospital & they still think there is a blockage below my reroute. They let me out of the hospital for the weekend & I'm suppose to go in Monday for another GI series. If there is a blockage remaining.. more surgery in the next week I would imagine.
With Dr. B being out the GI team & his "on call" team where communicating or should I say lack of communication between the two groups. As a patient I had absolutely no confidence in my well-being. One kept trying to discharge me the other wanting me in the hospital.
I finally "snapped politely" on Thursday... & told the PA exactly what I thought about this whole mess. got a round of applause from my room mate, her family, & the nurse who has been taking care of me.
I am woman hear me roar..
Saw Dr. B yesterday for a follow-up to the original surgery. Spent over 1/2 hour going over exactly what I felt about my treatment.. his office... him...& his team. I was assertive but polite.. think the message was clear. My husband gave his opinion also.
Told him straight out.. if I pulled some of the stunts & treated my "customers" the way that I was recently that I would have been fired from my job and that he needs to make changes.
My husband as we were walking out of the office stated "He just gave you a whole bunch of "Bull-S*** to try to placate you.. I told Hubby.. absolutely correct and that Dr B must think I'm stupid...
So hopefully Monday or Tuesday (whenever the test will be) I can get a final resolve... If there is a blockage the GI team at St Francis will be taking care of it.
I still can't eat... it's weird my "hunger mechanism" is completely shut down.. I get a twinge now & then of hunger but it goes away. I've been on liquids for just about 3 weeks now.
Lost 20 pounds & probably will lose another 5 or so when this is all said & done. Not a bad thing just don't feel "healthy" right now as it's so drastic.
So that's where I'm at right now. Hopefully have a final answer early next week when all is said & done. Crossing my fingers for no blockage.. Dr. B is insistent I don't have one... & the GI team who did the endoscope/testing says in all likely hood I do. HMMMM
PS... just celebrated my 3rd year on the 26th of WLS. What a way to celebrate! In the hospital 2 times in under 3 weeks...YUCK...