HI Everyone!
I need to get more involved on this message board. I've been lurking but rarely post. But that's going to change
I need some advise on dealing with the stress of the journey before the surgery. As I had written in a response to the BCBS stuff, I'm very frustrated. Not only is my insurance company being a real pain in the
, but my surgeon is to be changing hospitals that he works out of and now I'm sorta in limbo as to who can help me with the insurance mess. Since Dr Giles is leaving UConn and going to New Britain, UConn precertification is no longer doing his patients. But no one is doing pre-cert at New Britain for him since the move isn't finalized. He isn't doing any surgeries at UConn anymore and probably won't be able to start back at New Britain until at least Jan 2005.
I talked to my insurance today ( BCBS of Northeast Pa ) and I finally got to talk to someone in precert and found out what I was missing for approval. I had sent in a psych evaluation that all the other insurances that Dr Giles has dealt with was fine with but mine wants an MMPI too. So I have to get that done and then they said to fax it to them and then have my Dr office call to send it back through the insurance's precert dept. I can't initiate that, it has to be my Dr. But since no one is doing precert right now for Dr Giles, I'm not sure how that will happen. But I'm trying to take things one at a time. First I have to get this MMPI done. OH and by the way, the MMPI is a psych test that has not been considered a reliable test and hasn't been in main stream use for over 15 years now in the psych practices. This test is the "Personality Test" that asks you questions like, " DO you like to go to concerts and be in big crowds?" OR "Do you put your cat in the dryer?" That stupid one. But whatever they want I guess they hold the purse strings on this.
How have some of you dealt with this long drawn out process? I'm getting very frustrated and stressed about the whole deal.
And that isn't helping my health any. I just want to sit and cry some days. I guess I just need some reassurance.
Thanks so much for listening to me whine!!! And any ideas with the insurance mess and anyone that is also a patient of DR Giles, please let me know what you think about his move and what you are doing in terms of your precerts etc.
Thanks again!

First, b-r-e-a-t-h-e. I know it's really stressful, but it's a process you need to go through, and frankly it gets you ready for what's ahead, in most cases. It must be very frustrating to have Dr. Giles leaving one hospital for another & feeling in limbo about the ability to get things rolling. But in reality January is very close ... brrrrr!!! You've taken the bull by the horns & found out what your insurance company needs & are taking care of those things. You can get the stupid MMPI test done ... just don't admit to putting the cat in the dryer
I imagine some insurance companies are trying to get more info than just an approval from a psychologist/psychiatrist, since they think we may just get a dr. we know to write a recommendation. It's definitely a pain the butt to have to do the test, but we have to do what we have to do.
It is a long, frustrating process. But it's worth it. You'll look back on it a year from now & only be happy that you decided to do this. Insurance is almost always a pain in the butt. I got my insurance approval 5 days before my surgery was scheduled ... I was sweating bullets!! I don't know Dr. Giles so I can't give an opinion, but it seems many people on the boards are very pleased with him.
Come here to vent whenever you need -- it's a great place to ask questions and to be heard.
Peace -
Kathy F.

Hi Heather,
This silly little phrase is what got me through the wait...
"It took me 30+ years to become super morbidly obese. I did not get here overnight, not will I be approved in such a fashion"
Now, look in the mirror and say those very words, and repeat as necessary. I know your cir****tances are a bit different than most because of the hospital switch, but Hun, the wait is SO worth it. Come visit here when you need to, we'll help you get through the wait.
Been there, done that, and wearing the medium t-shirt. Had to exchange the 4X...
Hi Heather,
I am also a patient of Dr. Giles in pretty much the same mess as you are, except I have been denied by my insurance company already. Which isn't the end of the world I know. I am very comfortable with Dr. Giles and feel I have made the right decision as far as him being my surgeon. I have no regrets there. I also have to say being from New Britain, I am very excited with the prospect of having surgery at "home." However, communicating with his office has been a nightmare. They have been no help (his nurse I should say). I read every where that the doctor's offices, in general, usually deal with the appeal. Well, Dr. Giles' office at UCONN wouldn't. When I inquired about it, she pretty much told me I would have to do it on my own.
I think the difference between UCONN and NBGH (and I believe this is one of the reasons that he is leaving) is that his staff works for UCONN and they have other people they are working for. UCONN wasn't allowing him to expand the program like he wanted and wasn't allowing him to give it the attention he wanted. He will be having his own program in NB which means he will also have his own staff which will be trained to deal with the obesity patients and their needs.
I also feel like I am in limbo with this whole thing. I don't want my file to slip through the cracks, especially since I am in the appeal stage. I can't get an answer from anyone as to when he is actually starting in NB and it is very frustrating, so I definitly feel for you. I do know that we need to continue to be patient, I know easier said then done, and keep each other informed. I have an inside at NB and she is trying to find out dates for me and I will pass them along when I know.
Take care and hang in there.